Lake Como

Italy was all sorts of magical, this wedding was definitely one for the books.

I really didn’t think it would happen, I couldn’t believe it until I actually was at the airport. For months everyone would ask how excited I was and it never felt real, it never really hit me until the week I left.

After over 24 hours of travel and no sleep I made it to Milan, went out to dinner then immediately went to sleep at 8pm Italy time. Surprisingly the plane ride went by super fast, we had a layover in Paris and then a straight flight to Milan. The best thing about the flight wasn’t only that I finished a beautiful wedding but that the Criminal Minds reboot was available to watch for free. Thank you Delta.

I arrived to Italy two days before the wedding because you can never be to careful with destination weddings. I spent one whole day in Milan, it was very hot and very very crowded. I’ve never seen so many people in one place, It was definitely a whole different atmosphere. I toured the Duomo di Milano which was absolutely beautiful. We paid for a tour and went under it and on the roof and saw ALL of Milan, It was such an amazing experience.

The next day we were off to Lake Como, Italy. The train ride was so so stunning, it felt like a different planet. I can’t put into words how beautiful this place is. The lake, old buildings and stone stairs, it was unreal. The next day was THE Italy wedding! The weather forcast called for rain all day, we managed to beat the rain almost the whole time! I walked through Lake Como to meet Madalyn + Jesse at their hotel that was right on the water, got tons of beautiful getting ready photos then we were off to the boat to take us to the venue. This venue was so so stunning, only accessible by boat, about a 10 minute boat ride and we arrived.

The ceremony was beyond beautiful overlooking the water. After the ceremony we ventured around the huge venue taking tons and tons of amazing photos and just taking it all in. The love Madalyn + Jesse have for each other radiates like no other, It was such an amazing experience to be there an witness it all. Coming back on the boat it started to rain, we had just missed it. I walked Madalyn + Jesse back to their hotel and that’s when we said our goodbyes. It was surreal, I am so grateful to have been given this amazing experience. After that I headed back to my airbnb and relaxed because the next day I was off to Switzerland! I spent the rest of the week in Switzerland exploring so many beautiful towns. This whole vacation was definitely a trip to remember. I am so entirely grateful I not only get to do what I love but also get to do what I love in such beautiful places. Shooting a wedding in Italy was never even on my mind, it was so far out there I would have NEVER guessed I’d get the chance. Being able to not only shoot this wedding but also being able to take my mom to Italy and Switzerland is crazy to me and something I will never forget.

2 weeks after being home, Madalyn + Jesse had their reception where all their family and friends could come and celebrate with them. It was such a fun time and so so beautiful. I love the idea of running away somewhere beautiful, getting married then coming home to have your reception. I feel its so much more intimate and beautiful and altogether less stressful! Their whole wedding was perfect and it will be one I brag about for a very long time<3


Where the hell have you been loca?